
Event Year: 2024
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Lockmar Elementary
Team Name: EcoDragons
Project Name: Creators of the Bearded Dragon Enclosure
Team Size: 6

Engineers of the Bearded Dragon Enclosure.

Lockmar Elementary School

Callum M., Elliot B., Emmy F., Kyle M., Malik H., and Zhayne D.

All team members are in 4th grade.


A special thanks to the people and resources that helped us.

Ms. Lucas – collecting supplies and cutting wood

Internet – Research, design and build

Parts Used

. Repurposed Tank

. Lid – Recycled wood from a pallet, screen, brackets, and screws.

. Solar Panel and Lights

. Legos – Repurposed for the animal hides.

The way forward is to collaborate with the nature, Solar Power will help us start our journey.

Critter Test

One of our team members has a bearded dragon at home. He was able to bring in his animal for our test.

Our tank was designed to stay inside, while being close to a window for the use of solar energy to power the lights, and camera. We feel the tank would make a great long term home for any reptile, amphibian, fish or small mammal.

The Bearded Dragon was very curious about its new enclosure. It took well to exploring the lego houses and was comfortable.

Thank you Callum and Atticus for letting us borrow your amazing little Omen.


Solar energy is a renewable a power source that is an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

How our tank uses SOLAR!

We have designed a solar panel that will help keep your little critter at the ideal temperature.

What our solar panel does.

  • Powers lights and heat lamp.
  • Helps to control the temperature of the enclosure.
  • Can power the critter cam, so you can watch your animal from anywhere. (See photo on right for Critter Cam.)

2 thoughts on “EcoDragons

  • A solar powered tank is a great way to support nature! The legos are a creative and fun touch! Great job!

  • Such a cool idea to have the camera to check on your bearded dragon when you’re away. I also like that you have a USB so that you can add different lights depending on what’s needed. Great job researching what the bearded dragon needs for it’s habitat. the legos are a cool way to be able to give him some shelter.


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