Solar Speed Knights

Event Year: 2024
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 4-6 (JSS Green)
School: Lockmar Elementary
Team Name: Solar Car Knight
Project Name: Solar Car
Team Size: 4

Lockmar Elementary

Engineers of the Solar Car – JADE

Jason M., Aidan B., Dezmond C., and Ezra W.

All team members are in 4th grade.

Finished Specifications:

Car size – 9 inches long, 3 3/4 inches wide, 4 1/8 inches High

Wheel Size – 1 1/2 inches

Weight – 11.17 ounces

Gear Ratio – 40/10


Pitsco Solar Car Kit – Donated $0.

Hot Glue – $5.00 for the bag, we only used a few of the sticks.

2 Empty canisters (film and playdough) – Recycled – $0.

Ping Pong ball – $0. From our science kit at school.

Velcro – To hold in the ball – $2.00 (only a small amount was used)

Test runs

6 thoughts on “Solar Speed Knights

  • What an informative website. I particularly felt that the video helped show all the steps taken along the way. Great work!

  • Awesome job! Great sketches and they did a good job documenting the process and outcome.

  • First… I loved the name of the team:) , the presentation was well thought out. I liked the diagrams and it was thorough.

  • You guys did such a great job! Love the sketches that you did to plan out the work.

  • I really like that rotating panel – very clever! Good job providing all your documentation on how you designed and built your vehicle.


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