Energy Inspired Art -by “Team Solar Girl”

Event Year: 2024
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Energy Inspired Art
Division: 3-5
School: Sally Ride Elementary
Team Name: Solar Girl
Project Name: Renewable Energy Makes the World a Brighter Place
Team Size: 1

Created by Nyla C.- 3rd Grader at Sally Ride Elementary

Renewable Energy Makes the World a Brighter Place

Hi! My name is Nyla, I am in 3rd grade at Sally Ride Elementary. I love art, and this is my energy inspired Art piece.

I’m excited to tell you a little bit more about it in the video below…

First, I sketched a few rough draft designs. Then, I used acrylic paint markers to paint on the final canvas. I finished the canvas with sharp black lines using a sharpie. Lastly, I hot glued old and empty light bulbs around the canvas because I wanted to also include re-used items to show people that you can “reduce, reuse or recycle” in many different ways. Inside the recycled bulbs, I put a string of solar lights to bring awareness to the amazing renewable resource of solar energy.

I chose to use bright colors because they make me happy and renewable energy makes our world happy! In my painting I included many types of renewable energy, including the sun and solar panels, wind turbines making wind power and hydropower which uses the natural flow of moving water to generate electricity.

Always do things that make you happy and do things that will make our world happy.

Planning and Design Process

By Nyla C.

Renewable Energy Makes Our World a Brighter Place!!!

Here I am with my final creation. Remember, renewable energy makes our world a brighter place, just like my bright and happy work of art!

Thanks for checking out my website! Always remember that YOU can help our Earth by choosing to “reduce, reuse or recycle” in many different ways, even in a piece of ART!  Have a great day!

12 thoughts on “Energy Inspired Art -by “Team Solar Girl”

  • Recycled art has a special place in my art and what you made is “brilliant” literally! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork with a message!

  • Great job on the whole process from the rough draft to final product.
    Using multiple different ideas and resources!

  • Amazing drawing… love the way you reused the light bulbs on your art work…

  • This is such great work, Nyla! Not only are you sharing your talent with us through STEM, but you’ve taught each of us a little bit about recycling and the use of materials that we use all of the time and how to make the earth a better place. I love the colors you decided to use and the bulbs you decided to use along with the solar lights. Your hard work paid off. It’s beautiful!

  • Such an amazing project! I love your detail for the design and planning process, I am sure anyone can read your description and try this at home too. Awesome use of recycled products and awareness to renewable energy sources!

  • Nyla, I love your use of color and the way you show movement with the wind from the wind turbines in your art. Also, That was a very creative way to use the light bulbs as something that’s being reused and recycled and the way lights would be powered by solar panels and wind turbines. Great job!

  • What a well thought out project! . You did an amazing job from start to finish! Keep up the good work!! You are very talented!

  • Wow! Your science art piece is absolutely fantastic! I love how you’ve captured the importance of renewable energy and recycling with such vibrant and colorful imagery. Keep up the amazing work, you’re making a positive impact on our planet!

  • You have done an amazing job. I especially likes your play by play of how you put the project together.
    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing

  • You have done an amazing job. I especially likes your play by play of how you put the project together.
    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing

  • Thank you so much for sharing photos of the planning and design process. I can tell you put a lot of work into your project! I love that you used recycled materials and lots of color!

  • I have seen the progress of this masterpiece for many weeks. The idea of colorful solar panels to show happiness is fabulous!!! You have included recycled material in your very creative piece to demonstrate by doing, that the love for arts and our planet can walk together. Congratulations!!!
    Thank you for giving us A Picture That Is Worth a Thousand Words.


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