Event Year: 2023 Event Location: Orange County STEM Saturday Competition: Junior Solar Sprint Division: 4-6 (JSS Green) School: Orlando Science Elementary Team Name: Denki Project Name: Project Denki Team Size: 2
Team: Thomas Y and Kellin M
School: Orlando Science School
10/26 drew the shape of the chassis and traced the shape onto the balsa wood. Time spent: 40 minutes by Kellin and Thomas.
11/2 cut out the shape of the chassis and we cut the wheels from a sheet of carbon fiber. Time spent: 40 minutes Kellin and Thomas 1 obstacle we had was the wheels needed to be sanded down to make them more rounded.
11/9 painted and decorated the chassis. Approximately 2 days for the paint and decorations to dry by Kellin
11/16 hot glued wheels to the body and cut a larger space to fit the gears. Time spent: 30 minutes by Kellin and Thomas
11/30 put on the mount for the solar panel and the solar panel. Time spent: 30 minutes by Kellin
12/1 tested the car and it worked. Time spent: 20 minutes by Kellin and Thomas
MATERIALS: pitsco motor, pitsco solar panel, pitsco front wheels, pitsco battery pack, pitsco gears, balsam wood body, orange spray paint, blue acrylic spray paint, craft lightning bolts.
ADVANTAGES: light weight, carbon fiber wheels, many wires maximum speed through sun, nice decorations. https://youtu.be/qZRsO1QrjTc