Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Osceola Science Charter School
Team Name: Team 4 Seasons
Project Name: The 4 Seasons
Team Size: 5

April 14, 2023 – April 17, 2023
Hi! Our team name is The 4 Seasons and our names are Maya .U, Isabella .V, Ethan .S, Juwairiyah .E, & Zoey .S! Our school is Osceola Science Charter School & we are in 4th grade. Our project is the Critter Comfort Cottage. We made a home for dwarf bunnies (they are the smallest bunnies alive & are about 5 inches). Each bunny’s home is decorated with one of the 4 seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter). The bunnies can go down the ladder, through the holes, up the ramp and into a warm, cozy bed. We each made 1 part of the bunny’s home. Ethan made the hut house, Juwairiyah made the passageway/break-time box, Isabella made the play-area, and Maya made the bedroom/cave. Zoey made the decoration. It is designed for indoor use only.

✨👏Overall combined project.👏✨

✨Isabella’s play-area.✨

✨Maya’s bedroom/cave.✨

Juwairiyah’s passageway/break-time room.

✨Ethan’s hut house.✨
When building our Critter Comfort Cottage we ran into a few problems; We were going to make a pet hotel, but realized it wouldn’t work, we accidentally spilled water all over our project, so we restarted, & we only had ONE day to finish it (we were told about this on April 14th). Worse, we have to do the team video on MONDAY, AT SCHOOL because it isn’t a team video without half of the team!
This project was completely finished by our group, The 4 Seasons, only. We mainly used cardboard, tape, hot glue, felt, & Popsicle sticks. We used recycled cardboard & Popsicle sticks. We also used bowls, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, rubber bands, paint, foam stickers, stickers, recycled cups & bowls, yarn, scissors, markers, crayons, and a toy bunny.
Maya’s bunny, Peter, was introduced to our project he instantly loved it. He enjoyed & he was very comfortable. He did not try to destroy it like he does when he dislikes something. Peter also began to explore and play around. When he did so, it didn’t break so that confirms that a live animal will not destroy it. This also shows proof that a bunny would have a good time living in there. We know that the materials we used are not toxic to a bunny because Maya has studied bunnies, in order to maintain her bunny.
(We don’t know why the video doesn’t work)
We had SO MUCH FUN & we are SO HAPPY to participate in this competition & if we win it is just a bonus along with this amazing experience, which we hope to do again soon!
🐇Here is a quick pic of Maya’s bunny, Peter!🐇

Great Job with your project!
It is very cool that you used a real bunny to test the 4 Seasons! Nice work!
Good job 4 seasons
I like how many rooms you added to your house! That is awesome that you could test it on a real bunny. Good luck this weekend!
nice job guy its so cool
Your bunny is soooooo cute, great job on you project- Grace
Was the project hard?
The bunny is so cute I love it.
I love the project its creative to make different habitats into one and I love the decorations.
I really like it.I like the fact that they made four seasons.When you had a water spill I was impressed by how much time it took you to fix it.Very creative.Amazing by how much time it took you to build such an amazing project.
This project was really good