Are We There Yet?

Event Year: 2024
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 4-6 (JSS Green)
School: Lockmar Elementary
Team Name: Solar Car
Project Name: Solar Car
Team Size: 3

Engineers of the Speed Racer

Lockmar Elementary School

Carson C., Damian P., and Zachary W.

All team members are in 6th grade.

Challenges we encountered through this project.

Gear coming loose on the Axel – Even through we assembled the axel with the tightest gear it became loose during trial runs. So we had to reassemble the axel with a different gear.

Platform design flaw – We first started with a flat platform, but that ended up snapping. Next we tried making a pillar for the solar panel to be on top of but that was to heavy. Finally we ended up using a plastic cap cut open as our base. This plastic cap will be a lot harder to break than the Balsa wood.

Solar Panel rotational device – We were using a cell phone holder with a ball and socket to mount out solar panel. This device will give our solar panel the opportunity to turn towards the sun no matter the time of day. While it is on the heavier side, we feel that it is still a great option for our car.

Car Designs

Gear Ratio: 40/10 or 4:1

Wheel size: Front – 3.5 cm Back – 4 cm

Size of Car: 27 cm long, 14 cm wide, 10 cm tall

Weight : 11.20 ounces


Pitsco Solar Car kit – $0 Donated from our district to the gifted classroom for use.

Rotating phone holder – $5.00

Batteries – $0 School supplies

Ping pong ball – $0 our schools science lab

Hot glue, velcro, and utility knife for cutting – $0 – supplies from the gifted classroom

Our car has been through many changes. The photo to the right was of our first design. This car had the base snap, the weight not distributed evenly, and the gear come loose on the axel. Even though our final car isn’t completely finished, we will have it personalized and customized by competition.

5 thoughts on “Are We There Yet?

  • Your written documentation and pictures help showcase all your hard work. Great job!

  • Resolution to your challenges were well thought out. Good job and great teamwork!

  • Great job overcoming the problem you guys had with the base snapping and it being too heavy. Way to brainstorm and come up with new ideas when you were challenged.

  • Good luck at the race. Sorry your original design broke, but good job on redesigning.

  • I am looking forward to seeing this race! That rotating panel is a great idea and it was clever how you integrated the ping-pong ball holder into the stand that holds the solar panel.


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