Bunny Builders
Event Year: 2022
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 6-8
School: Carwise Middle
Team Size: 2

These are the parts of our critter cottage that we would like to showcase.
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 6-8
School: Carwise Middle
Team Size: 2
Bunny Builders
Hi! Our names are Shai M. and Alina C. We attend Carwise Middle School and we are both in 7th grade. We designed this Critter Cottage for a bunny.
People who helped us accomplish this project:
Mrs. Rossie and Mr. Trudell(Teachers) Help us plan, design and collect materials
Help from parents: they helped cut the wood, pull out nails, use tools, and collect materials
List Of Material:
Home Depot Lumber/Cutter Attendee: Helped us collect wood that was going to be discarded
Chicken Wire*

Your commerical is awesome! The fact that you used lumber that was going to be discarded is an excellent idea. Well done!