Caught in the Wave of Energy

Event Year: 2023
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Energy Inspired Art
Division: 6-8
School: Milwee Middle
Team Size: 1

Mary F – Grade 7

Milwee Middle School

I chose to do wave or marine energy as the inspiration for my art piece. I have always enjoyed the beach and the water, so creating this piece is a cool way of expressing that. The piece consists of a sunset painting with wind turbines that are also the source of power for the wave machines that harness the energy. Then there is a clay sculpted wave that rolls on a track to imitate the waves moving through the water. In front is a painting of under the water with the wave energy machine catching the wave.

2 thoughts on “Caught in the Wave of Energy

  • The art is very creative and unique compared to other builds

  • Very pretty and creative


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