Event Year: 2021 Event Location: Virtual Competition: T-Shirt Design Division: 3-5 School: Buck Lake Elementary Team Size: 1
The design of my shirt shows the earth with some kinds of renewable energy. I included solar power, water power, and wind power. The girl on my shirt is holding a solar car. In my Gifted class, I learned about solar energy and made a car that runs on solar power. The two kids at the bottom are energy whizzes!
Great explanation of your T-Shirt project. Sounds like you have a fun gifted program. I really like the clothes design of the energy wizzes. Your shirt tells a nice story about renewable energy.
Your design is an opportunity to reach a broad audience. If we were to where this shirt we share the message of renewable energy to a lager group. Thank you for being an energy whiz!
This is exquisite!
Great explanation of your T-Shirt project. Sounds like you have a fun gifted program. I really like the clothes design of the energy wizzes. Your shirt tells a nice story about renewable energy.
Your design is an opportunity to reach a broad audience. If we were to where this shirt we share the message of renewable energy to a lager group. Thank you for being an energy whiz!