Disties Water Distillation

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Energy Innovations
Division: K-2
School: Ocean Breeze Elementary
Team Size: 3

Ozias N (2nd grade) Piper H (1st grade) Easton W (2nd grade) are the members of Disties

Distillation is when water evaporates clean water and condenses back into water.This condensation can be collected and used as drinking water. Distillation can take yucky, dirty, salty water and turn it into fresh water for drinking.

The sun is used to heat the water and cause the evaporation. So it is a free way to get drinking water from salt or polluted water.

Here is our video about our machine. Click here.https://youtu.be/N_sVddkVNWE

Our class built 8 different ideas on how to make a lot of evaporation. We got ideas from that to make our machine. We decided it should have a black aluminum bottom, a glass top and be well sealed with a lot of surface area.

This is our design. Made from 2 big aluminum pans, cardboard for the sides that are covered with the pan lids and some aluminum foil. We used plastic wrap and gorilla tape to cover the cardboard so it wouldn’t get wet. The top is plexiglass with a flap to put the water into the collection pan.

we put it outside with 1000ml of green, salty water.

Our first try did ok. we had to seal it up better and then we got better evaporation.

The water got to 130degrees F.

We had a lot of evaporation but we lost a lot of it. We only collected 120ml of clean water. a lot got stuck on the glass but a bunch must have gotten out. we started with 1000ml and there was 660ml left in the bottom so we lost 220ml. There was also grass and stuff in our water, we need to make sure the parts are clean.

We tried again.

We thought we were doing better. We sealed up all the cracks and openings. There was a lot of condensation on the glass. But we only got 80ml of water. we spilled the green water so not sure how much we lost or evaporated.

What would you do next time to make it better?

Our teacher helped with cutting the cardboard and the aluminum lids and gorilla tape. we could cut the duct tape.

6 thoughts on “Disties Water Distillation

  • So proud of you all for making 8 different ovens. It seems by making so many you really learnt through testing how important it was to ensure they were sealed well. Nice work.

  • Very impressive! Your scientific method was very thorough. I really enjoyed seeing all the photos of your steps in the process and your video explanation. Great job and great teamwork!

  • What a great project! That looked like a really complicated design and construction job. I like that you kept trying different designs until you found the best one, and then kept trying different methods to distill the water. Looks like you learned quite a lot! Great work and congratulations!

  • that went so good. you must had tried vary hard

  • you guys did fantastic

  • Great project! I love your explanation of the distiller and how you had to seal it. And 8 different distillers…what a great experiment! I really liked that you measured how much distilled water you collected each time so that you figured out what worked best with your distiller–large surface area of the water, black in the design, and making sure it is sealed very tightly! Fantastic job!


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