Event Year: 2023 Event Location: Cocoa-FL Competition: Energy Inspired Art Division: 6-8 School: Pershing K-8 Team Size: 1
Student Name: Callie C.
School: Pershing School K-8
Grade: 8
The first Villanelle is about how the world we live in is slowly declining, due to climate change and pollution and how we have to do something about it. The second Villanelle is about what can happen if we decide to start healing Earth right now.
The Bad News……
Earth is in a state of panic and is begging for help. Pollution kills animals, destroys our atmosphere, and recks the ocean. We have to get our act together and do something about it.
But there is hope….
We, as humans, have have a duty to Earth to help protect and restore everything that has been hurt. We can do this by cleaning up beaches or putting solar panels into our homes. Or even riding a bike to work instead of driving.
Very good production of the video
Wow, this is very cool and interesting!
I like the project, I think it is a good idea. I find it great that you designed the project yourself.
Looks like a great project but four lines in each stanza would give more rhyme.
good project, nice way to explain
Great!!!! Me likey!
I like how you are trying to tell how you designed your project!
I like how you are trying to tell how you designed your project!