Energy Eagles

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Energy Transfer Machine
Division: 6-8
School: Central Middle
Team Size: 4

Elle, Laricette, Sydney, and Veronica

Here’s a side angle of our machine!

We will be making a Rube Goldberg style device for the Energy Whiz competition. Our device will be pouring some pancake batter into a hot pan. We will attempt do this within 10 steps-

  1. Press car Button
  2. Car hits pendulum
  3. Pendulum hits dominos
  4. Dominos hit ping-pong ball
  5. Ping-pong ball hits dominos
  6. Dominos hit another ping-pong ball
  7. Ping-pong ball hits dominos
  8. Dominos hit tennis ball
  9. Tennis ball falls into balance cup
  10. Cup hits scale and pours batter into pan

Although we did run into some problems, it all worked out in the end. Veronica did have to go in to help at a couple points but at least our machine achieved something!

We had a lot of fun doing this project, and, though we didn’t achieve what we were hoping to, we ended up learning a lot and making new friends along the way!

To see the videos, please access these links!

2 thoughts on “Energy Eagles

  • Great concept and seems that you knew what the machine was intended to do, it just needed a little help. Great effort and very imaginative end use making pancakes!

  • I really like the effort and the positive attitude, that’s the key! Keep trying and you will succeed !


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