Green Eagle
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: Rodgers Middle
Team Size: 2
Rodgers MS

Team: Elijah and Paisley
Our team has had an interesting time building the car. We have had many challenges, but we overcame them to be the best we can be. Our team is from Rodgers Middle School and our car is called the green eagle. This is some of the information and general details of the car we are entering in the junior solar sprint race.
Weight: 222.43 g
Length: 10.5 in.
Width: 6 in.
Pitsco’s balsa wood, wheels, solar panel, battery pack, axle, gears, motor, and LEGO parts to hold and adjust solar panel.
Elijah is the designer, builder, and releaser and Paisley does the webpage and is the catcher. We had many design choices, but we went with the one with the front wings coming out on the side for aerodynamics. We had challenges such as breaking of the wings when we were testing, we were able to glue it back on so that is works. We also had to adjust the axles to be straight a few times. If the axles are not parallel the car will turn which will cause the fishing line to rub against the binder guide. We have overcome many issues and we still have more we are working on, but we are doing our best and we expect to do well at the competition.