
Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 6-8
School: STEM Tech Academy
Team Size: 1

Hi! This is team Green from the STEM Tech Academy in Melbourne, Florida. Our team meets on Saturdays to work on cool projects like Energy Transfer Machine, Junior Solar Sprint and LEGO League.

I am the one team member and I am in the Middle School division.

The name of my solar car is  “Green” because I used a lot of recycled parts.

Team Member – Ryan Arriaga

Helpers –

  • Darryl Thompson, mentor
  • Mike Morrison, mentor
  • Corey Kempinski, mentor

Car Design –

The car uses carbon fiber rods. It also uses Lego parts for gears and also for the front axle. It has three wheels. The body is two pieces of balsa wood glued together with the grain going opposite ways. The front wheel size can be changed depending on the amount of sun. The car number is 4.

Car in Motion –

I may not have the fastest car or the lightest car but i have the most innovative car!

Trying to get a good run with “Green” on a cloudy day!

One thought on “Green

  • Very well thought out design, especially your use of the balsa wood to provide strength without adding weight. Great use of advanced technology by using a 3-D printer, and for incorporating recycled materials. Car speed was just fine, very smooth and consistent. Congratulations!


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