Home Sweet Hive

Event Year: 2023
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Centennial Elementary
Team Size: 1

HELLO!!!! my name is Briallen J I go to centennial elementary school and I’m in forth grade, Here i present to you🥁 MY BEE BOX

Carpenter bee home (my dad helped by cutting the wood with his wood tools and got the nails in the right spot so I could hammer them)
male carpenter bees can not sting

How I made this step 1 learn about the carpenter bees. 2 I looked at carpenter bee homes 3 I measured 5 7X7 squares . 4My dad helped me cut those squares(thanks dad!!!!) 5 we both hammered it together 6 we cut up pieces of wood ,bamboo ,lemon grass , and shell ginger .7 my dad helped me drill holes in the wood.8 I painted it 9 I made the webpage 10 I recorded the videos (thank you logan for being a customer) 11 I made a poster 12 I printed the poster

Up-close #1
up-close #2
Up-close #3

The types of energy it represents is solar(the sun keeps it warm) and chemical ( the bees live in there)

3 thoughts on “Home Sweet Hive

  • I really liked your project, and I learned something. I wasn’t familiar with carpenter bees so I ended up researching them. They really do deserve for us to protect them so they can continue to pollinate our plants!

  • This is beautiful! Great job!

  • Love the name of your hive and absolutely enjoyed your enthusiasm. Great job on your video. I really enjoyed it.

    National Honey Bee Day is coming up soon and its free. Celebrate National Honey Bee Day with Brevard Backyard Beekeepers! The event is FREE to the public and is aimed to educate people of all ages about honey bees and their critical role in global environmental health, and food security. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-national-honey-bee-day-tickets-571013265047


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