Hot Rod

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 4-6 (JSS Green)
School: Orlando Science Schools
Team Size: 1

Car Name: Hot Rod

Team Member(s) name: Atharv
Grade of team members: 4th
School: Orlando Science Elementary

Project Log

Members Present: Atharv
Date: 3/20/21
Time Spent: 2 hours
Tasks: I designed a car using a kit and assembled it using tape to first test it out. When we took the car out the sun was setting, so the car did not get the maximum amount of power.
Obstacles: When using the Cello tape, the car kept falling apart until I finally got it to work. Another problem was that the tape did not hold the motor and the axle with the gear in place that well, so the car could not run as fast.

Members Present: Atharv
Time Spent: 2 hours

Tasks: My job was to test out different gears and see which one made my car go faster. I concluded that the car with a bigger gear ratio will have a quicker start, but will not do as well in the middle of the race when the wheels need to turn fast. On the other hand, a car with a smaller gear ratio will have a slow start, but it will do well in the middle of the race. I also concluded the car with the bigger gear ratio would be faster up an incline because of the power it gives in one gear revolution. Another test was to see what the significance of the rubber bands on the tires would have. I concluded that without the rubber bands the wheels would slip and the car would have a hard time moving. On the other hand, with the rubber band the car got a good grip on the ground and could move properly.

Obstacles: Once I had tested out the gears, the hole had worn out and the gear was loose.

Members Present: Atharv
Time Spent: 3 hours

Tasks: I had to finish assembling the car. First, I hot glued the axles and the motor to the chassis. Then I soldered the alligator clips to the wires. Since the gears hole was loose, we used a piece of plastic bag and put it in the gear hole so the gear did not spin loosely anymore. Since it was dark outside, we used batteries to test the car. When we tested the car, everything was functional and the car was running at a fast pace.

Test Results

Members Present: Atharv
Date: 3/20/21
Time: 5:45, the sun was setting
Distance traveled: 7 feet

Since the sun was setting and we only cello taped the car, it could not move as fast. I think that if we had used hot glue then the motor would not move around as much, allowing the gears to mesh better. Another thing that would have helped better is if we had angled the solar panel to face the sun.

Members Present: Atharv
Date: 4/21/21
Time: 12:30, sunny
Distance traveled: 30 feet

We took our final design and tested it out on a tennis court. The car managed to complete the 30 feet track in 3 seconds which is really fast. The car curved a little at the end, and I think it because there is a slight misalignment in the wheel/gear assembly. We couldn’t perfect the design due to lack of spare wheels/gears. Other than that, the test went smoothly. Below are the links to my car videos.

Team Explanation Video

Vehicle Performance Video

7 thoughts on “Hot Rod

  • That car was really spectacular! We liked your video and how you explained how you made the car. Your car took 4 seconds to get to the other side, it was super cool!

  • Atharv, great work on your Hot Rod! I enjoyed seeing your project schedule and test results. Good job figuring out those obstacles.

  • Atharv, awesome work on Hot Rod! All your tests and modifications allowed for the end product to be super speedy!

  • Working with you on a variety of projects this year helps me know a little more about you and your abilities. Based on your work and efforts on other projects, I know that this Hot Rod was your creation and you designed/redesigned it. For anyone that may have doubted that this was your own work, after watching the video, I think they will understand that this is your Hot Rod and you didn’t have extra help from your parents or any teachers. Hot Rodimus is an awesome Autobot but I think I am still rooting for Optimus Prime. Hot Rod always seemed a little proud and I liked that Optimus Prime was humble and a great leader. The fact that you also named your Hot Rod based on the amount of hot glue was awesome. This solar car looks incredible and I look forward to seeing you on the SECME team for at least the next few years.

  • Really fast, I like how you put rubber bands on the wheels so when the motor moves the car actually goes.

  • I love the name of your car! You have great theories, and the side view is great!

  • What a great presentation, very expressive and engaging. You explained very well the different features of the car and how you solved several problems – you are clearly very knowledgeable. Great run, super fast! Congratulations.


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