Panther Engineering 3
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 6-8
School: Pine Crest School
Team Size: 1
Adam A. (G6)
Pine Crest School
November 10, 2020:
Today we have started by reading the spec sheet and creating the base of our car. We talked about how we want our design and started to design it in Tinker Cad. We also thought of our plan for our project. Lastly, we made the axel holes for the car.

November 16, 2020:
Today we were brainstorming ideas to make our car light and on track. We are also thinking of making two designs a strength and a speed car. We test the speed and strength by using a stopwatch and will see what the best car is.

November 17, 2020:
Today we fully completed our design and we 3d printed our car. We put in our axel holes into our car. After that, we sent the car to 3d printer Os.
November 20, 2020:
Today we did the last requirements and finally printed. We added the screw holes and made the line hook. On Monday we will put the car together and see how we can make the car better and stronger.
November 24, 2020:
Today we got our 3d print. The problems with version 1 were that the motor holes are in the wrong place, and the walls are too thin. The motor holes are in the wrong place because they inflict with where the axles are supposed to go. We are currently fixing it on TinkerCad and are getting ready to print again.

December 4, 2020
Today we were fixing the car again to make sure that the axel wheels fit and that the car can move without hitting anything. Next class we will asemble the car and test it tommorow.

December 8, 2020
Today we are soldering our wires to our car we have finished our design. We saudered and tested our car.
December 16, 2020
Today we had to fix a problem wich was the axel holes were in the wrong place. We fixed the problem and sent it to the printer. Next time we will test the car and put the final touches on.
January 19, 2021
Today we fixed our car because the sides were uneven and we printed it.

January 22, 2021
We are finishing our car and we are gonna race it. Last thing we need to do is to put on the line holders so next class we will print them.

January 29, 2021
Today we basically finalized our car. It races very fast and it starts well. We will print our car one more time to make it’s perfect.

February 2, 2021
Today we fixed our car and added the final details. We added the line holder and put the axel holes down. Next time we will finalize put all the stuff back on and get it ready for the compitition.
February 23, 2021
Today we got new gears so we had to make ajustments. First we fixed our axel holes then we had to make our hole biger to make the new gears fixed. Next class we will rebuild it and make our final adjustments.
February 26, 2021
Today we are printing because we forgot to print. Next time we will finish our car and test it.
March 2, 2021
Today we printed our car. Some changes we have to make are the solar panel holder 13 mm taller and moke our motor back 2 cm.
March 12, 2021
Today we assembled our car once more. We added the motor and the wheels. We will add our Solar Panel next class and test our car. Also, we had to superglue the side of our car because it cracked.
April 13 2021
Today my car broke in half. I went on basecamp and reprinted my whole entire car. We fixed all of our flaws and our next car looks great.
April 16, 2021
Today I built my Car and I am ready to race.
Great determination in trying repeatedly to fix the mistakes that you discovered. I was wondering how the car performed and would have liked to see a video of its run. Good luck and congratulations.