Psycho Dogs

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 3-5
School: Buck Lake Elementary
Team Size: 1

Tearm Member (1): Eric. I’m in the fifth grade Digital Academy and I’m excited to see my solar car move in the sun!


My solar car will use a pulley to move, one on the generator and one connected to the wheel. When the solar panel is in the sun the generator will spin and the pulley will mover the wheel making the entire car move.


My solar car is 12 1/8 inches long, 11 1/8 inches wide, and 5 inches high.

Problem Solving

Problem: When I used gears one gear would spin inside the other and it wouldn’t move.

Solution: Switch to a pulley so the flow would be smoother

Photos and Videos

5 thoughts on “Psycho Dogs

  • Great problem solving and a good run. I saw that you moved to the other side when it looked like you might be blocking the sunlight on the solar panel. Congratulations and good luck!

  • this is great! hope digital academy is well!

  • Could you add photos of car


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