Rapid Fire

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 3-5
School: Buck Lake Elementary
Team Size: 1

Danny 4th Grade, Digital Learner @ Buck Lake

I cut a piece out of the plastic. and I put the gear through the slot then I put the skewer trough the gear then glued it. and I put the motor by the gear. Then I attached the wheels. Then to hold the solar panel, the idea is to cut little slots that are the size of the popsicle stick then put them through just to the bottom them put tape. And I cut holes the size of a skewer, put the skewer through the hole then I glued it. And I put 4 skewers trough the holes of the solar panel and I glued popsicle sticks so the skewers would not move and I put the solar panel on the popsicle sticks then I put the rubber on the little bit of skewer that was sticking out of the solar panel and I put the other end of the rubber band on the skewer on the bottom.

9 thoughts on “Rapid Fire

  • Thank you Samuel, I Agree the pictures are pretty cool!

  • Great job, Danny!
    Wallace Knight
    LCS Science Developer

  • Awesome! I can tell it’s great just by the picture and how you solved your problems.

  • Great problem solving by changing your materials and explaining the process. Also a great run, started slow and then built up speed! Congratulations and good luck!

    • Thank you Colleen I agree it was slow, AT FIRST !

  • Awesome job! Your solar car moves great! Congratulations!


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