Shivu’s doggy palace
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Critter Comfort Cottage
Division: 3-5
School: Osceola Science Charter School
Team Size: 5
The Boyz
.Marcus grade 4
.Sid grade 4
.Carlos grade 4
.Ethan grade 4
.Mavlin grade 4
.Purchased in home depot: plywood
.Recycled Furniture Wood
.Purchased from home depot Paint
.Recycled table wood
.Recycled flexible glass
.Recycled plastic
Engineering process
Our engineering process was that we look at pictures in school then we chose the one that is easy to do.
We took the design and we made it
They are measurement was length is 35 width is 35 height 40.
The design was this but we made some changes.
We used nontoxic materials and it can not bite anything off and all recycled.
How do we put the wheels on the base of the dog house?
We are adding the wheels.
This is the design we wanted to make

Critter test
The critter test means that we show the critter the house if he likes it we keep it.
Then we add some toys, a bed, and a bowl for it to eat.
Shivu (AKA doggy) fit in the project.
we looked if he fit and it went to plan.
We tested the dog house by putting the dog inside.
we also measured the dog and then increased the size of the dog house so he could fit.

Our project can withstand rain, snow, and more stuff.
we made it withstand the weather by adding wood and flexible glass.
I would like to thank Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) for sponsoring the teams from our school.
This is a very good project because I like both the dog and the dog house/palace I can notice that they put a lot of work into this thing because I was there to see them create it/.
Awesome work!!!! Looks incredible !!!
Wow nice job! Your design show others how creative someone could build and provide an outdoor shelter.
and this is an off grid doggy house it can collect rain water.
Great job on your project.
I like that you met up and worked together.
I like how you guys did perfect measurements and the doggy test
I love how you spent so much effort and you used material that weren’t going to use at home. Nice dog btw 🙂
I love how you made it perfect for the dog and gave KUA credit for sponsoring our school.
very creative i like how you actually used a dog and you used hard material to do it so its stable very good
I love how you guys painted the dog house blue, great job- Grace
This quote, “we also measured the dog and then increased the size of the dog house so he could fit.” shows me that you worked through all of the steps of the Engineering Design Process. I was blown away when I saw the pictures of this dog house. It is not a prototype. It is the real deal! If you could add a solar panel to this project, how would you incorporate it?
This was a wonderful project that considered the needs of your dog’s needs. I was also impressed by the materials chosen for its construction. This is great!
I like how you measured the dog before hand, and made it bigger so the dog could fit. You did a great job! -Garrett
Thanks garrett!!
very cool guys you are the best my team do you guys think our project cool
I like all of the pictures.
So many pictures it’s very cool.
I really like your project because you made sure it was safe and you put your dog in it.
I love your project because you made sure it was safe and you put your dog in it.
This project was really good
I love the fact its so big and that a live dog can live in it!
I love the fact its so big and that a live dog can live in it!