SOL Sprinter

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 3-5
School: Pembroke Pines/FSU Charter Elementary
Team Size: 1

Pembroke Pines Charter Elementary School

Name: Simon T

Grade 4th

I wanted to build a solar car because my last EnergyWhiz project was a solar oven and I thought that it would be fun to continue the tradition of using the sun to create new challenges.

My first problem was that the gear was crooked and so it would not travel forward.I adjusted it so that it was straight and went forward.Make the car have movement.
The next problem was that the wheels were too small so it was too close to the ground so it would scrape on the ground.I got bigger wheels and put the axel underneath the chassis instead of on top.To make it go without having it hit the ground.
The gear was too small so it could not reach the wheel gear.We got a bigger gear that would reach.To make sure wheels would actually move,
The following three photos are of my plans for the cars dimensions and model types.
Date: March 29th, 2021Started design process
Date: April 3rd, 2021 Designed team shirt
Date: April 10-11th, 2021Gathered supplies to build the car including, balsa wood, motor, paint, and other car basics.
Date: April 12th, 2021Built car number one and tested it- scrap car one.
Date: April 13th, 2021 Design and build car two
Date April 17th, 2021Tested car two and it was a success

The next three photos are of my shirt design.

The next photos are of my assembly process with the car.

Timelapse video of the car building process

My first step after planning was to cut my truck out of balsa wood Always wear safety gear.
I assembled all the cut-out pieces with hot glue.
The inside of my solar car-note the support slats.
This photo is of the inside of my car and the motor.

Here are some photos of the finished product

7 thoughts on “SOL Sprinter

  • I love the shirt! What a great idea to also do a shirt to go with your solar car (truck!) project! And I like your little driver 🙂

  • I love how you used graphs to organize all the information

  • Wow, there’s no stopping that car! It’s great that you showed its ability to travel on rough sidewalk and roads without stopping. Great design and well thought out fixes for problems you encountered. Great job and good luck!

    • Thanks for the great feedback

  • wow! I love the design! I like how your car looks like truck you would see on the streets and how it looks like its carrying the solar panel with a guy riding on it! PS: that shirt is cool.

    • Had a lot of fun designing and making the shirt


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