Sun Powered Oven

Event Year: 2022
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Solar Energy Cook-Off
Division: 3-5
School: Ocean Breeze Elementary
Team Size: 3

Hi! We are the solar cooking team. We are 3rd graders at Ocean Breeze Elementary, Aria T., Aria R. and Camdyn.

Our hottest oven yet! The bag of water melted and so did the duct tape! We think the extra reflector helped. (see our data table) We have replaced the duct tape with AC ducting tape, it is metal. it is peel and stick.

We will cook for the judges:


Cinnamon Dessert

Salsa (Not being cooked)

Bean Burritos

Sun Tea

4 thoughts on “Sun Powered Oven

  • Great idea for the sealed black mason jars for a cooking container. Your webpage has good photos and is well designed just like your oven.

  • Loved the testing and data collecting you did to figure out the best cooking method and what needed tweaking for the best result. That’s a hallmark of a true researcher. Tasty and creative too!. Well Done.

  • Great discussion of how the oven works. I’m impressed that you got such hot temperatures that you melted the bag! Good choice of materials. Your data log is nicely done too.

  • Great job on looking at what did not work and how you can fix it. The fact that you reference the data table shows that you took time to work on this and learned items along the way.


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