
Event Year: 2022
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 4-6 (JSS Green)
School: Orlando Science Schools
Team Size: 3

Car Name: Sunstrike

Project Log

Front side
side view 1
side view 2
Back view

Time: 30 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar

Date: 9/22/2021

Tasks: Got the kit and inspected items, then we started planning how we would design the car. Achieved a few good sketches.

Obstacles: Trying to come up with good designs and deciding which gears we would use.

Time: 45 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar

Date: 9/29/2021

Tasks: We decided we would go with the 40:10 gear. We started cutting the holes for the gears so that they can fit on to the motor.

Obstacles: Choosing which gear we would go with and trying to make the hole so it fits snugly on to the motor.

Time: 20 minutes

Date: 10/6/2021

Tasks: We put the axle through the gear and wheels and glued the back axle on the the body.

Obstacles: Getting the wheels onto the back axle (it’s tough) and making sure the gear is aligned. We also made sure the back axle was straight.

Time: 20 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar

Date: 10/13/2021

Tasks: We glued the front the axle to the body of the car, then we put the wheels on the front axle, we also glued the motor onto the body of the car.

Obstacles: Making sure we glued the front axle straight.

Time: 30 minutes

Members: Arjun

Date: 10/20/2021

Tasks: We cut a styrofoam ball in half and glued it onto the center of the car. The styrofoam ball was support for our solar panel.

Obstacles: Cutting the styrofoam exactly in half and making sure the styrofoam that when we attach the solar panel to the styrofoam, it does not interfere with the wheels.

Time: 35 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar, Atharv

Date: 10/27/2021

Tasks: We also added the battery pack to the car so that if it isn’t a sunny day we can still run the car.

Obstacles: Making sure the wires don’t interfere with the axles and the wheels.

Time: 25 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar, Atharv

Date: 11/3/2021

Tasks: We got Velcro and placed it on the Styrofoam ball. The motor also was starting to come off so we had to glue it again.

Obstacles: Making sure that the Velcro was dead center. Also, the Velcro kept coming off so we had to try multiple times.

Time: 40 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar, Atharv

Date: 11/10/2021

Tasks: We tried it outside, and we used the exact distance that they use in the competition, and saw that it curved a bit.

Obstacles: The car curved a bit, and we lined it up so it could get the most sunlight.

Time: 30 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar, Atharv

Date: 11/17/2021

Tasks: We had to fix up the axle because the wheels kept hitting the car.

Obstacles: We had to reglue the entire axle.

Time: 25 minutes

Members: Arjun, Omar, Atharv

Date: 11/24/2021

Tasks: We tested the car inside, but Omar let it crash into a chair, so Atharv and Arjun reglued the motor.

Obstacles: We had to reglue the motor back into its original position.

Time: 40 minutes

Members: Arjun, Atharv

Date: 12/29/2021

Tasks: We created our account.

Obstacles: Very painful process.

Time: 40 minutes

Members: Arjun, Atharv

Date: 2/5/2022

Tasks: We started creating this website.

Obstacles: Remembering what we did.

Time: 1 hour

Members: Arjun, Atharv

Date: 2/8/2022

Tasks: We worked on this website… a lot.

Obstacles: Nothing really, it was fun.

8 thoughts on “Sunstrike

  • I like the detail of your journal. This can help you understand how to improve your car even more as you go. I look forward to watching the car in action when we have the opportunity to race.

  • Great effort!

  • good car indeed like the color

  • That’s great! Great detail and good effort.

  • Cool design!

  • I love the detailed journal. That really shows that your team built this, not a teacher, parent, or sibling. I cannot wait to see this run in person in April in Cocoa!

  • Good work! I can see from your journal that a lot of time and effort was put into your car.


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