Team Vaya Conamericanos
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: STEM Tech Academy
Team Size: 2
This is team Vaya Coamericanos from the STEM Tech Academy in Melbourne, Florida. We are friends who both like learning and thinking out of the box. One of our mentors told us the story of the car Nova in Mexico. We therefore named our car Vaya Conamericanos. Our team meets on Saturdays at STEM Tech to work on cool projects like LEGO robotics, 3D printing, Junior Solar Sprint and other cool STEM stuff.
Team Members – Giovanni V. and Isyzk D.
Helpers/Mentors – Mike Morrison, Darrell Thomas
Car Design –
Our car has the motor in the rear using a 3 to 1 gear ratio. Our wheels are 3D printed. We designed them on tinkercad. O rings are used for better traction we think. We did not get a chance to test without the O rings to see if there was a difference.You will also see that we used some 3D printed axle guides. We tried to shape our car to cut down on weight and give it some uniqueness. The car is made from an old home for sale sign, balsa, and foam board. We used parts of an old binder for the string guide, which is under the car.

Team Vaya Conamericanos talk about their car –
Car in Motion –
Our video of trial day did not get recorded. This car is from last year. In our excitement of being on the track the video assignment was missed.