The Astrobonauts!

Event Year: 2021
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Energy Transfer Machine
Division: 6-8
School: STEM Tech Academy
Team Size: 4

Hi!  We are team Astobonauts from the STEM Tech Academy in Melbourne, Florida. Our team meets on Saturdays to work on cool projects like this Energy Transfer Machine, Junior Solar Sprint and LEGO League.

There are 4 students on our team and we are in the Middle School division.

The name of our project is the “ Marywood Energy Trek Energy Transfer Machine”.

The whole team hunkered down in the middle of the “Marywood Energy Trek Energy Transfer Machine”!


  • Angie
  • Edwin
  • Layna
  • Ryan


  • Darrell Thomas – Coach/Mentor
  • Mike Morrison – Coach/Mentor
  • Barbara – Volunteer
  • Synellibeth – Volunteer
  • Corey – Volunteer

Description of the “Marywood Energy Trek!”

There are 16 energy transfers in our machine. Our tremendous machine will unroll the Banner for the STEM Tech Academy. Battery power is used in three steps of our machine:

  1. At the beginning our robot Astrobee will start the machine. He used 6 C-cell batteries.
  2. Later a small crab will be turned on to pull a string. He uses one AA battery.
  3. At the end, our LEGO robot named REDbot will release the banner.  It also uses 6 AA-batteries.

Edwin Describes the “Marywood Energy Trek”

Our Best Video Run:

All the steps in our machine:

Here are the steps in our machine:

  1. Astrobee moves off of a teeter-totter ===>
  2. The teeter-totter falls and pulls a string that releases the rocket ===>
  3. The rocket glides across the room on a string ===>
  4. The rocket hits the turn-table which rotates ===>
  5. The turn-table knocks the yellow ball ===>
  6. Yellow ball falls down tube ===>
  7. The ball knocks the board down ===>
  8. The board falls and pulls a string ===>
  9. The string pulls nerf gun trigger ===>
  10. The Nerf dart hits the target board ==>
  11. Board falls, and pulls a string with a magnet and releases the first golf ball ===>
  12. The golf balls hits a second golf ball ===>
  13. The second golf ball pops a balloon ===>
  14. A weight falls from the popped balloon ===>
  15. The weight pulls a rope through two pulleys on the ceiling ===>
  16. The rope pulls the croquette mallet ===>
  17. The mallet hits a lacrosse ball ===>
  18. The ball rolls down the curving track ===>
  19. The ball hits Jenga blocks ===>
  20. Jenga blocks fall one after another ===>
  21. Jenga block hits Hot Wheel launchers which launches car ===>
  22. Car on Hot Wheels track goes up ===>
  23. Car knocks over cup of marbles ===>
  24. Marbles roll down a channel ===>
  25. Into cup on a teeter-totter ===>
  26. Teeter-totter makes electrical connection turn on crab ===>
  27. Crab moves and falls off a board, pulling a string  ===>
  28. String pulls over big bolt ===>
  29. The bolt hits a big bell ===>
  30. Our robot, Redbot, hears bell sound with his sound sensor ===>
  31. Redbot pulls two strings to release the banner and balloons!

6 thoughts on “The Astrobonauts!

  • That was amazing! Really enjoyed seeing the different steps in the project and so great that the end released the balloons and showed the STEM Tech banner! Lots of pride showing there. Great work, congratulations.

  • Amazing! I love how you used robots in your project! Lots of creativity inside of the it too

  • It looks like you had a lot of fun with the large space you had…..the elements of your machine are large, showy and varied. I love the rocket, the large bell, the marbles rolling down the metal tube (I love the sounds made from these machines), the large turn-table and the balloons being released at the end. So fun!

  • This project is very well done. I appreciated the number of steps you had and the degree of difficulty. As a viewer, I also liked the large scale so it was easy to follow and see exactly what was happening. Nice work!

  • Very creative and well done! I really liked the large scale and variety of steps you included.


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