The Auto Waterer
Event Year: 2022
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Energy Transfer Machine
Division: 3-5
School: Columbia Elementary
Team Size: 3
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Energy Transfer Machine
Division: 3-5
School: Columbia Elementary
Team Size: 3
Columbia Elementary
Team Members: Pablo D. (5th), Marc J. (5th), Caleb K. (5th)
Design Documentation
Energy Steps
- Car to ball
- Ball to remote control
- Remote control moves RC truck
- RC truck to cup
- Cup to ball
- Ball to wall
- Wall to water bottle
- Water bottle to plant
Battery Use
The remote and RC truck are both battery-operated.
End Step
The final step is the plant is watered.
Good job explaining your plan in the beginning.
What an ingenious way of using an RC car to water your plants.
Very creative to use the RC car as one step in the energy transfer. That’s action at a distance!
It was good to see the drawing of your plans. Using a large RC car in the process is something I haven’t seen before.