The Quantum Cupcakes
Event Year: 2023
Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: Milwee Middle
Team Size: 4

Event Location: Cocoa-FL
Competition: Junior Solar Sprint
Division: 7-8 (JSS Blue)
School: Milwee Middle
Team Size: 4

The Team
Team Name: Quantum Cupcakes
Builders: Daniel.E(8th), Emma.D(8th), Eli.F(8th), Mitchell.S(8th)
School Name: Milwee Middle School
Car Specifications
- Car Gear Ratio- 10:50
- Car Length- 9.5inches
- Car Width- 5 Inches
- Wheel Length/Diameter- 1.5inches
Components used
- Corrugated Plastic
- Rubber bads
- Plastic
- Metal Axles
- Paperclip
- Cardboard
- Motor
- Battery Holder
- Plastic Wheels
- Solar Panel
- Batteries
Total Cost= $0.00
Why did we choose these materials?
We decided to use 3D printing to create the structure of our solar car, for the reason that it would be sturdier and customizable, perfectly, to what we felt was most efficient for our car. The cardboard for our car, made it a lightweight design choice, that fit our theme. Many of the items were recycled things in our very on classroom.

3-D Model

Test Videos
Work Log:

Design Process

Vehicle Feature Video