Solar Sisters
Event Location: Virtual
Competition: Solar Energy Cook-Off
Division: 3-5
School: Ocean Breeze Elementary
Team Size: 3
Hello, we’re The Solar Sisters, we are in 4th grade at Ocean Breeze Elementary School. We wanted to do a solar oven together because we are all best friends and we thought it would be a good experience. We also consider each other as sisters so we decided for our team name to be The Solar Sisters. The people on our team are Camdyn P, Willow S, and Aria T.
These are pictures of our solar oven days 1-2.

Through our 2nd time checking the oven, we added seal so the plastic lid on our oven doesn’t slide down, here are the pictures

The first thing we did after we decided to become a team is we made our backboard how we made our backboard was we got an old science fair board and taped silver reflection panels on the board with silver reflection tape. Our idea with the the backboard was that it would attract sun light and reflect that sun light that it had collected on the solar oven. Next we started working on our solar oven, what we did first is we had to find a perfect box once we found a perfect box we found black heat paint. After we painted we decided we were going to tape silver panels on the panels of our box with silver tape again and after we did that we did our instilation by taking foam and taping it to our inside of the box then we got really long popsical sticks and taped them on the outside of the box connecting the flabs of the box holding them stirdy to collect more heat-sun. then we asked our teacher Mrs. Mentillo to cut us a piece of plecsie glass to go over the top of the solar oven. Lastly we painted our box black to attract more heat to our solar oven.
The materials that we used were silver reflection panels, silver reflection tape, a cardboard box, foam, black heat paint, black paint, science fair board, long popsical sticks, black tape, white tape, and silver tape.
What we are cooking is buritos, nachos, fresh salsa, sun tea, and finally apple pie in a cup.
Data :The hottest our oven got was 150 degrees F. We cooked at 133 degrees F.

For a 3-5th grade project this is GREAT. I could never even do this myself and you cook probably cook some bread in there.
Great job ladies
nice nice nice love it . willlow
love it-Cam